November 23, 2011

A week of Gratitude//Day Three

Hi and welcome to day three of 'A week of Gratitude'! I'm having a great time taking time to write out the things I'm thankful for. It makes me that much more aware of all I have to be thankful for and appreciate.

Today I am thankful for the ability to stay home with Dakota. In the back of my mind, I always liked the idea of being a stay at home mama, but I never ever thought it was in the cards. I'm so glad that it is though! It's been so fun to watch, and learn along side Dakota. I love teaching her new things, but even more so, I love that she teaches me new things daily. Now that I've done this with her, I couldn't imagine having ever put her in daycare. I also couldn't ever imagine leaving any future babies (um, 3 more to be exact!!!/) with someone else! I hope that I will be able to do this until she goes to school, but if not, I'm so extremely thankful for this time I've been able to stay home so far.

xo, Meghan

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Just wanted to let you know I gave you a blog award:

    ~ Hannah


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