March 06, 2013


One of my New Years goals was to shoot more film. And not only shoot, but actually develop the film. I realize you do not know this goal of mine, because I started blogging again after the new year. Whoops. Maybe it's not too late to share those goals?
Anyway, Stephen and I both have 120 film format cameras. His is the Jack White Holga. Mine is the Diana F+. We are great at taking lots of rolls, but reallly bad at getting them developed. (I think I got it from my mom, she had a gallon sized zipblock bag filled with 35mm rolls from mine and my brothers childhood. We recently got all of these developed for her!) A few weeks ago I decided to drop off the 5 rolls we had lying around. We picked up half of the prints last weekend, because picking up more than 2 rolls at a time is not friendly on your wallet. These are my favorites. I'm pretty sure all of these were taken on the Holga. I can't wait to find a reason to load up my camera again. Those light leaks? Natural! I know, they look like a filter from the Afterglow app. BUT THEY AREN'T. Pure magic, folks.

1 comment:

  1. These are awesome. The ones towards the bottom with the little girl are super adorable! Those light streaks do look like an app. I've been meaning to pick up film for my camera. Haven't gotten around to it yet.


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