November 03, 2011

Busy Bee!

Today has been a busy one. Dakota and I ran errands all day, making stops at Micheal's, Target, Bed Bath + Beyond, and Walmart. Phew! But oh no, the doing didn't stop there. We made vanilla whoppie pies and pumpkin whoopie pies. Spray painted some stuff, and then spray painted even more stuff. Made some soup, and then ate it. I made an owl plush while Dakota was napping, and she's still kind of sad that the fun went on without her ;) But when she woke up to her surprise, we still had more to do! I kind of have "should" be doing right now.

I'm telling you all of this, not in hopes that you'll feel sorry for me (because it was such a fun day!) but that you'll wonder, even ask yourselves why "why is she doing all of those busy tasks?" I'll tell you why! DS (Deliciously Sew) has another event! Another Craft show, and I'm so excited. Why haven't I shared this before now!? Anyway, it's kind of a big event in the South Georgia/North Florida area. It's called Mule Day, and there isn't a whole lot of info or even an address out there, but if you're in the area/familiar with Mule Day you should come! There are hundreds of booths and most all of the stuff is crafted by hand. Birdhouses, trashcans, swings, you name it, they have it. If you're a fan on Facebook, we're going to be offering a special for the Mule Day event, but to fans only. Or if you're on the mailing list!  If you want to see what our crafty hands have been up to, we've uploaded a bunch of new items. Check it out!

*cute tiny owl plushies*

I'm off to take more pictures, then decorate caramel apples + whoopie pies with Angela. These next two days will be busy busy, but so fun. It's Thursday, one day away from the weekend...yay! xo, Meghan


  1. can we order stuff. or how can we get some....

  2. We do take orders! You can email me if you'd like to do an order! We will be at Mule Day this weekend, if you were going to that you could see us.

    But I can bring our order books to church Sunday or, if you see something you like on Facebook, I can bring it to church and you can get it Sunday! :)


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment. It means the world to me!